Welcome to the Iowa Bonsai Association's website. IBA was founded in 1979 to promote appreciation and development of bonsai. Meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. You may come and go as your time permits and work on trees or just socialize and observe. See the calendar page for details! We meet at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden.
Join us! Members will enjoy a helpful, supportive atmosphere no matter what your experience level, opportunity to participate in workshops, bonsai shows and collecting trips, access to the association's library of books and a monthly newsletter. If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to get to know more about bonsai, please attend one of our meetings or contact us.
By jenjo on June 1, 2013
Things are growing this time of year, so much that we need to begin managing growth of our new foliage. In our area, it is time to decandle pines (black and red pines mainly). We decandle in order to balance apical dominance with lower growth on the tree, to shorten needles, to create ramification, and to shorten the length of […]
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By jenjo on May 1, 2013
I am often asked questions about fertilizing in spring time. Mostly I answer, “It depends on…”. Fill in the blank. Things vary with species, whether a tree was recently repotted, etc. However, with the help of information from Michael Hagedorn, I will give some guidelines… May13–DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER
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By jenjo on April 3, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013 thru Sunday, April 21, 2013 The Iowa Bonsai Association will have bonsai displays and demonstrations from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. April 20th and 21st at the Des Moines Botanical Garden – 909 Robert D Ray Dr., Des Moines, IA. The event will be held in the Walsh Room. April 20th […]
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By jenjo on April 1, 2013
Today the sun came out and temps hit 60F! Finally, we have a spring like day. It is time to start moving your trees outdoors. I have my pines and junipers in a protected area as the spring wind can be harsh on bonsai trees. They also have partial sun so the needles don’t get sunburned. I do watch the […]
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By jenjo on March 1, 2013
Repotting activities are beginning. Often many of my deciduous trees have started to leaf out by now. However, this year they are a bit behind as the weather is also a bit behind. But, I will begin repotting deciduous trees now. March13-DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER
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By jenjo on February 1, 2013
Boy, it was cold last week. My thermometer said -9F last Thursday night. Now it has snowed and warmed up considerably. How are your trees doing? It will not be too long before it is time to repot. This leads to an important question… February13–DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER
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