News & Misc


July 2024 – IBA Newsletter

This is a hard editorial to write – I need to take a step back from my service to the bonsai community to allow for time and energy to address of pressing personal matters. I’m still around, but the Newsletter will not be produced until we can find someone willing and able to do layout. […]


June 2024 – IBA Newsletter

In early March 2024 the Iowa Bonsai Association’s Board of Directors discussed the Iowa State Fair Bonsai Show and whether the Association should continue its involvement with the State Fair. The Iowa State Fair Show has some unique challenges for the Association and these were considered when making our decision. First, for the show to […]


May 2024 – IBA Newsletter

The Iowa Bonsai Association held its annual Spring Exhibition at the Des Moines Botanical Garden April 20-21, 2024. The event is always in conjunction with the Garden’s Earth Day Celebration. IBA Members gave demonstrations and were on hand to answer questions throughout the weekend. More than 1,800 visitors viewed the exhibition on Saturday alone. And, […]


April 2024 – IBA Newsletter

After a month of doing the Bonsai shuffle I think my trees are finally out to stay. I hope anyway. Our March meeting was action packed and Dan Morton did a great job presenting work with a Japanese Maple. Our April meeting falls on Saturday April 20 which is during the Spring show. There’s one […]

March 2024 – IBA Newsletter

March 2024 – IBA Newsletter

It’s been a mild winter. In spite of ten frightening days in January and the now forgotten three or four days at the end of October that created bonsai pandemonium. Trees in indoor winter storage are breaking and coming into bloom 3-4 weeks ahead of schedule and we still have some seriously bitter weather in […]

February 2024 – IBA Newsletter

February 2024 – IBA Newsletter

Happy New Year! It’s 2024 and there is plenty going on in the Bonsai world near and far. Please consider writing an article for the Newsletter. Remember that this is your club! If you have ideas, thoughts or comments, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time… 2024-02-IBA-Newsletter