2008 Spring Ahead Festival – East Meets West

2008 Spring Ahead Festival - East Meets West

East meets West, the first annual Spring Ahead Festival at the Des Moines Botanical Center, was held February 7-10, 2008. The Iowa Bonsai Association provided tokonoma exhibits and some of the programs for this event. Reaction to the tokonoma was very positive, and included the comments: almost spiritual,” “meditative.”


2008 IBA Spring Bonsai Show

2008 IBA Spring Bonsai Show

The IBA returned to holding a spring bonsai show as well as an annual fall show. The theme of the spring show was The Art of Bonsai, held on April 19-20 in the Des Moines Botanical Center’s splendid show house. The goal was to highlight not only bonsai but also the Iowa Bonsai Association and […]


2008 Sean Smith Program

Sean Smith

Sean Smith, the renowned daiza maker and suiseki master, was the visiting artist at a set of IBA programs held the weekend of March 15-16, 2008. On Saturday morning there was a program on exhibit of bonsai and suiseki. Saturday afternoon Sean led a workshop on daiza making for suiseki; everyone left with a stone […]


Iowa Yamadori – A Day in the Woods

Iowa Yamadori - A Day in the Woods

A group of members of the Iowa Bonsai Association gathered on a rural property with wonderfully extensive wooded ravines in very early May 2007 to hunt for potential native bonsai material. Grilled burgers and drink at the end of the sojourn trumped any concern about bruises and pains from the hunt.


Gary Wood Workshop – March 4 2007

Gary Wood Workshop - March 4 2007

On a Sunday afternoon in early March following two of the worst weeks of winter weather in Iowa in years, Gary Wood from Muscle Shoals, Alabama, brought a little sunshine to the members of the Iowa Bonsai Association who attended an afternoon seminar and workshop on azaleas. Gary is an engaging bonsai teacher, making it […]


Pots, Pots & Pots!

Pots, Pots & Pots!

At the February 20, 2007, meeting of the Iowa Bonsai Association, bonsai pots and their sources were discussed, with a number of examples brought by club members. Obviously, there are a number of sources for pots and a great variety of pot styles to utilize in creating a bonsai’s effect. The following notes refer to […]